The 2016 film Doctor Strange introduced the main character to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and also set up a villain that has seemingly been ignored in subsequent films. This movie brought the concept of "true magic" into the franchise, which was different from the first Thor film that explained Asgardian magic as advanced technology. In addition, it introduced the famous rivalry between Stephen Strange and Mordo, but unfortunately, the MCU failed to follow through with this plot.
Towards the end of the movie, Mordo and Strange have a disagreement on how to defeat Dormammu, a cosmic entity more powerful than gods, that the villain Kaicilius is trying to unleash on earth. Strange believes that no method, no matter how dangerous, should be excluded since the fate of a reality is at stake. In contrast, Mordo is cautious and believes that using reality-bending magic may have unforeseen consequences. After Strange defeats Dormammu using the Eye of Agamotto and the Time Stone, Mordo becomes disillusioned with the Ancient One's hypocrisy and vows to eliminate all sorcerers on the planet to protect it.
What Happened To Mordo From Earth-616?
Mordo's fate in Doctor Strange was left ambiguous, but the mid-credit scene hinted at a possible storyline for the character. In this scene, Mordo ruthlessly kills a harmless sorcerer who regained the ability to walk through magic, claiming that there are too many sorcerers in the world. This provides a strong motivation for Mordo's character arc, making him a magic user second only to Strange and Wong.
Despite the presence of several magical characters in subsequent MCU movies and TV shows, Mordo has been noticeably absent. Wanda's bubble reality in WandaVision was powerful enough to attract non-magical forces, while Nico Minoru and her mother utilized the Staff of One, one of the most potent magical artifacts on the planet, in Runaways. Even gods came onto Strange's radar in Thor: Ragnarok. However, Mordo appears to have ignored all of these events, and he has yet to make an appearance in Moon Knight or any other MCU projects since Doctor Strange. This has left fans speculating about what might have happened to him and when he might reappear in the MCU.
Doctor Strange 2 Made The Mordo Worse
When it was announced that there would be a Doctor Strange sequel titled "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness," fans thought that it would be where Mordo's villain storyline would be resolved. In this storyline, Mordo would go on a rampage across Earth, killing sorcerers before realizing that there were infinite sorcerers across the multiverse. Fans also believed that Wanda would join forces with Strange to fight against Mordo's genocide. However, when Doctor Strange 2 was released, it left fans disappointed as Mordo's appearance was not what they had expected. Strange does meet Mordo, but not the Earth-616 version, and the two had a completely different relationship. Moreover, Strange never acknowledges his falling out with his own Mordo or how his actions led to their deterioration. Marvel missed an opportunity to integrate a classic character into the story in a compelling way and instead left Mordo's character in limbo, while keeping the status quo. This has led some to speculate that the Marvel Cinematic Universe may have peaked.
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